Making your world more beautiful with vibrant wallpaper and fabrics.
For over 145 years, Eijffinger has been dedicated to enhancing spaces with bold and colorful designs in wallpaper and fabrics. Their passion for curiosity, creativity, and innovation drives them to stay ahead of decorating trends, exploring new colors, designs, and materials. Beyond fashion trends, Eijffinger considers broader influences shaping our world, translating them into unique interior designs that reflect personal style. In a rapidly changing world, Eijffinger remains a trusted brand, offering distinctive styles that resonate with individual identities. From their home base in the Netherlands, they send inspiring designs worldwide, carried out by representatives who embody their vision.
The link below will take you to the wallpaper samples of the brand. If you see something you like or want us to order it, please let us know. We get discounts and carry samples in-house.